Running April 6th - April 22nd

Entries closing April 22nd at 17:00 CET

Create your best M2H art piece!

Create a piece of artwork based on any of our games (Crash Drive Series, WW1 Game Series, Marooners)! It will be judged on originality and creativity, and has to be inspired from our games (such as a painting, drawing, even a re-enactment in person)

Share it on our Discord

Join our Discord here and post your entry in #contest-submission!

Win any M2H game you want!

The winner will receive their pick of any of our currently released games! That’s right, you will be able to choose whatever game you want, on whatever platform. We will have 3 winners too, so 3 chances to win!

Time Left:

Contest entry has closed!
Contest entry has closed!

Join our Discord community!

We have a great community that loves to come together and talk about our games.